What’s a person to do if premanufactured pharmaceuticals just don’t work for you or your pet? That’s what many people with specific allergies (fillers, dyes, etc), finicky kids/pets, or folks in need of a specific non-traditional dosage of a medication were left to ask until now in Grand Junction, CO. Karen Floyd has been a pharmacist for over 30 years and has seen an increasing need for the services compounding pharmacies provide. In 2006 alone, over 30 million compounded prescriptions were dispensed not including injectables. With only one pharmacy that can provide compounded pharmaceuticals in Grand Junction, and the next nearest one over 150 miles away, Karen Floyd decided to open Western Colorado Specialty Pharmacy. The location is currently under construction and Karen hopes to have the doors open by March 1, 2009.
Karen has been a long term client of the SBDC having graduated from Leading Edge, taken How to Start a Business, participated in many free counseling sessions, and worked with the Revolving Loan Fund housed at the Business Incubator Center.